We use a WireGuard-based VPN for remote connections into the Majava network.
Administrator documentation for this service is available at
In order to connect, you need to get access. First, generate a keypair:
$ wggenkey|teeprivatekey|wgpubkey>publickey
This will generate a private key in privateky and the matching public key in
publickey. Send the public key to a root, and you will get an IP address back
as a response.
The server key can also be downloaded from noc.majava.org:
$ host-tCNAMEvpn.majava.org
vpn.majava.org is an alias for gw02.srv.majava.org.$ curl"https://noc.majava.org/wg-keys.json"|jq'.["gw02.srv.majava.org"].gateway'"myIcatduLGUuB1KZAxpE5t2YFMIrlon4JZ5xsbpVy0c="